Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Who Are You People?

I get to math class about ten minutes before it starts. This is normal for me. What isn't normal is walking into a nearly empty room. Usually, half the class is already there by the time I arrive. Not today. There were four other people in the room and I didn't recognize one of them. I looked at the board. Yes, it says Math 115 - Section 7. I double check my calendar. Yes, I have this class at 10:35 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And yet I feel as if I'm in the wrong place. Not one of these faces rings a bell.

As other students to meander in, I get more nervous. I don't recognize any of them at all. Was there a change made that I am unaware of? Did I miss an email? Who are these people?! Then finally, one person, one face (though no name) that I do recall walks in. I am in the right place. Relief.

Then I am struck by the realization that I have no idea who any of these people are. I don't pay them any attention. They are barely blips on my radar. I recognize that there are other people in the room, but I don't take the time to actually see them. This makes me uncomfortable, though I can't exactly say why.

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