Monday, October 29, 2012


We all have them. Even those people who insist that they live their lives without them. Bullshit. You can try, and that's perfectly commendable, but you're not going to succeed 100% of the time. Sorry.

If you're a human being with a soul, a conscience, or any sort of empathy for your fellow man, you are going to have regrets. It's inevitable. Whether it's a harsh words spoken in the heat of battle, blatantly using someone, or not going after what you want, people will have regrets. It's a part of life.

The best thing I can think to do is just accept it. Recognize the fact that you screwed up. Feel guilty for a moment or two. Then move on. It's okay to have regrets. Just don't let them hold you back or bring you down.

Easier said than done, I know. Boy, do I know. But at least I deal with my regrets. At least I don't ignore them; let them fester. Because if you don't acknowledge them, that doesn't make them go away. They will still be there, right under the surface, affecting your life in subtle ways. And sometimes not so subtle ways.

There was once a time I refused to acknowledge my regrets. This tactic did work out well for me. And I can't imagine it would would out well for most other people. Sure there's the odd duck who honestly doesn't have regrets. But I find that weird. Almost freakish. How can you not have a single regret? It doesn't make any sense to me.

We are human. We are flawed. We will do things we are not proud of and say things we wish we hadn't. It's life. It comes with regrets. Just deal with them and move on. Don't ignore them and let them turn into some psychosis or neurosis that will eventually cost you thousands of dollars in therapy.

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