Monday, October 29, 2012


My Principles of Selling class is an odd one. During the 50 minutes I'm in here, everyone talks about every other than the principles of selling. We travel  down the most random roads and end up talking about the strangest things. I don't mind this. It's usually mildly entertaining.

But some of these people. Some of these people will not shut up. I know too much about these people and I don't even know their names. For instance, the guy across the room went to a Halloween party as the Hamburglar. Why was this information shared in this class? I have no idea.

A few moments later, I find out that the same gentleman enjoys calling scooters 'scooterpies.' He doesn't know why though. It's just something he does. (side note: this kid talks all the freaking time in this class. over the course of the last few weeks I have learned he works at Pizza Hut, likes to use the word 'righteous' because he thinks it's still cool, and a bunch of other things I don't care about.)

The girl a few rows ahead of me is wearing a beanie over a baseball hat. Why? The instructor asks and she says she doesn't want her head to get cold. Everyone laughs. I don't. I think she looks ridiculous. But to each his own I guess.

And now somehow we're talking about the price of Sirius Radio and where to find the best deals on it. How does this happen?

And these are the reasons I blog during this class.

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