Tuesday, October 30, 2012

They Paved Paradise for This

I meander through parking lots multiple times everyday. Not an exciting way to start a story, I know, but bear with me. Actually this isn't really a story at all. I'm just bored and feel like writing. But the thing is, I can't think of anything interesting to write about. So I'm just going to list off some random things I noticed today as I moseyed through the parking lots.

First thing I noticed on my walk was a shiny new silver Ford Mustang. Now, I'm not a car person and I don't pretend to be. Usually, if it has four wheels and works, I call it good. But for some reason I've always had a thing for Mustangs. When I go through my mid-life crisis, I will probably buy one on impulse. Anyway, as I was checking the one type of car that I actually care about, I noticed something I found to be rather odd. Hanging from the rear view mirror was a rainbow air freshener. I don't know why, but I found this image incongruous. I made a confused face and moved on.

In my next few steps I was to stumble upon a picture even more puzzling. A few yards from the Mustang with the questionable air freshener. I found a black Chevy Blazer parked inconspicuously enough. But something was amiss. Was it the rude bumper sticker? Was it the Iowa license plates? No. It was the pumpkin sitting on the roof. It wasn't smashed, or carved, or even painted. It was just a pumpkin. A pumpkin perched upon the middle of a vehicle's roof. It wasn't even that big of a pumpkin. It's moments like this that I wish I had decent camera on my phone because then I could offer you photographic evidence.

The last thing I noticed today didn't just stay in the parking lot. It followed me all the way back the apartment. I have long been plagued by sightings of these little deviants. They seem to be everywhere. Once you notice them, you can't stop noticing them in the strangest places. I'm speaking, of course, of socks. There was a sock trying to blend in with the leaves in the gutter. There was a sock hiding in the corner of the south stairwell. And there was a sock sitting plain as day in the middle of the hallway. Why are there always socks?!

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