Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Deliciously Disney Ditties

My dreams had a soundtrack last night and I woke up humming "Son of Man" by Phil Collins. Not that I'm complaining by any means. I love Phil Collins and I especially love Disney music. How could I not? My entire generation was practically raised on it. And for good reason. The music from animated Disney movies is amazing. It's no accident that Alan Menken kept getting nominated for Oscars.

Recently, I've been listening to my Disney collection quite often. I'm humming "Hakuna Matata" as I'm walking to class. I go to sleep listening to "The Bells of Notre Dame." I find nothing wrong with
this behavior.

Here's my top five favorite Disney movies based solely on the soundtrack: (in no particular order)

Lion King - Duh. Elton John rocked this and it should be on everyone's favorite list. They didn't turn this movie into a Broadway musical for no reason. The moment in at the very beginning when that first note hits, "Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba!" (actual lyrics, I looked them up) you know something awesome is about to happen. And who as a little kid did not try the their very best to sing along and fail horribly?

Hunchback of Notre Dame - Sweeping melodies, grand orchestral themes, intensely poignant lyrics. All of this in an often overlooked movie because its subject matter is perhaps a little too intense for small children. But when the character Clopin hits that last note in the reprise of "The Bells of Notre Dame," I still get chills.

Pocahontas - The songs in this movie have always held mystical quality for me. Grand and yet simple at the same time. The word 'profound' comes to mind and this music is deserving of it. Also, Pocahontas is one of my favorite Disney heroines. She's independent, fights for what she believes in, and refuses to be a damsel in distress.

Hercules - While the style of music does not match the setting or themes of the movie, it's still a delight to listen to. I don't know who thought gospel music had a place in ancient Greece, but they were a little off. As a child I didn't question. Now watching this movie I'm a little confused by it. It's good music though. And who can argue with the deliciousness that is "Go the Distance"? Michael Bolton knocked that one out the park.

Tarzan - And here's where Phil Collins comes in. He helped compose the entire soundtrack and it is magical. The pounding percussion fits into the film beautifully. His compositions transcended the realm of animated films and became mainstream successes. I still hear "You'll Be in My Heart" on the radio occasionally.

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