Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I would never consider myself a pessimistic person. But I am not an optimist either. I like to think of myself as a realist with hopeful tendencies. However, there are times in life when even the stoutest heart can no longer stand against the tide of misfortune that life deals out. And I, by no stretch of the imagination, have an overly stout heart.

I lay the blame of my current gloomy mood on five distinct factors:

1) I have had the same cold for weeks now. Admittedly, I haven't done much to get rid of it. I have just kind of accepted this state of perpetual non-wellness as part of life. And I suppose spending the last three weekends sleeping on the floor of my best friends' house hasn't helped much.

2) It feels like an eternal Monday. You know that peculiar feeling that Mondays have? The one that Garfield isn't fond of? I have been experiencing that almost everyday for the last few weeks, weekends excluded. It hasn't been fun and it does nothing to improve my outlook on life.

3) My procrastination demon has returned. I didn't expect him to stay away long. And he is back with a vengeance. I realize that personifying my predilection for procrastination is a way to absolve myself of blame, but it helps me cope with my personality flaws. At this time, I am unsure if I will be able to fight him off again but I'm going to damn well try.

rory! nooooo!
4) As expected, the Ponds broke my heart. I am of course referring to the former companions of Doctor Who. They have left the show and did so in classic Steven Moffat fashion. That bastard. He's just so damn good at toying with my emotions. I am not ashamed to admit that I was sobbing by then end of the episode. While I wasn't that attached to Amy, Rory was one of my favorites and I will miss him almost as much as I miss the tenth doctor.

5) Worknik's word of the day today was crapehanger. Sometimes it seems as though Wordnik chooses its word of the day with me specifically in mind. Because this word just fit how I was feeling this morning and it prompted me to write this post. In fact, I think it deserves Post Title status.

crapehanger n. A morose, gloomy, or pessimistic person.

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