Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Morning You Sure Look Fine

Ah, Monday, here you are again. My nemesis, my bane. But Monday, I have a secret to tell you. I have a shiny new weapon to fight you with today: sleep. For the first time in lord knows how long, I had a good night's sleep. Granted it was only about 6 hours, but that was more than enough for me. Thank you NyQuil Cold and Flu for clearing up my stuffed sinuses and knocking me out by 12:00.

And so this morning not only did I have enough time to make my self a delicious cup of coffee, I actually had time to enjoy it before I left for class. Mmm. Coffee. It's delicious and it gives me a nice buzz that helps me get through the day. I don't know if I entirely care that it's a bad for me. Or is it? Check out this interesting article about the subject. Turns out experts are divided on whether or not coffee is harmful. Everyone acknowledges the caffeine in it is a drug. This is a fact. But does that automatically make it harmful? Who knows? Either way, I'll still  be drinking my possibly detrimental coffee with my possibly toxic fake sugar whenever I get the chance.

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