Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tennant Tuesday

I was was on Tumblr today, as I am on most days, and I came across this intriguing piece of gossip:
"We don’t know just how they’d pull it off, but Bleeding Cool has heard from a solid source that David Tennant will be returning to Doctor Who."
- Bleeding Cool website
To clarify, he would be returning for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special. Now, I don't who this "solid source" is, but they had better be right otherwise they are going to give false hope to an entire fandom (a very dedicated fandom, I might add). If this proves to be a fake, there will be severe repercussions.

From what I've witnessed of Steven Moffat's reign as show runner on Doctor Who, I find the entire thing to be unlikely. The man seems very committed to eradicating any evidence that the show existed before he got there. But there is always hope I suppose.

I, personally, might just die of happiness if Tennant returns. And judging from Tumblr today, I would not be alone.

Also, forgive me if I've gone overboard with the Tennant gifs. I'm afraid I simply could not help myself. You see, on Tumblr, Tennant Tuesday is a thing.

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