Wednesday, November 7, 2012

And Done

As I'm sure everyone has heard by now, Obama has been re-elected. Don't get me wrong, I am delighted by this. But I'm not inclined to give a discourse on why I'm pleased with the outcome of the election. There are a million places out there on the internet where one could find people's opinions (some of them smart and well thought out; most of them just word vomit) on this. For instance, Facebook has, not surprisingly, been flooded with statuses in which everyone giving their two cents about the outcome. Never has it been more clear to me where my friends stand politically (or, more accurately, where their parents stand).

I'm not sure why, but this makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Perhaps it's because half the people seem to be irrationally angry and the other half seem to be unjustifiably arrogant. I doubt the outcome of this election is going cause the country to crumble. But I also think it's just as unlikely that everything's going to magically change for the better overnight (much like last time). Also, I'm getting really tired of people saying they are tired of people claiming they're moving to Canada now. But I suppose this is what I get for living in a red state. 

This election season has turned me cynical I think. Four years ago, I was ecstatic when Obama won. I cried during his acceptance speech. I carried on and on about how I would tell my children about the first president I ever voted for. I wore that damn sticker declaring "I Voted" for weeks. But now I'm just glad it's over and my guy won.

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