Thursday, November 8, 2012

Free Pencils and Busted Pots

Well today has promised to be interesting.

so very, very sad
This morning I washed my dishes because last time I left them sitting in the sink all weekend and came back to find mold. Not acceptable. So I'm washing away, listening to music. I reach for my coffee pot because I haven't washed that for longer than I'd like to admit. So I'm scrubbing and scrubbing when suddenly: pop - snap - bang! My coffee pot is in pieces, shattered on the floor. I stand there for a moment, not quite accepting that this just happened. I didn't drop it. I was just holding it, cleaning it. Either I'm super strong or that glass was really weak. I'm inclined to wish for the former, but common sense tells me it's the latter. I clean it up and move on. But the reality of my situation hits me again and again: I can no longer make coffee in the morning! At least not until I get a new pot. I am quite devastated.

But not everything that has happened so far today has been as troubling. In my last class of the day there was a test. Now a part of this test was an essay we were assigned last Tuesday. Well, I wasn't in class on Tuesday. So I ask the teacher if I'm just going to get a zero on that part (which I would not be ok with, but I would accept since it was my own fault). She explains that yes, I would get a zero, but there is a make-up test day tomorrow and I can write the essay tonight and take the test then. I'm both relieved and saddened. I have plans for the weekend and am leaving town. But school must come first. So as I'm walking to the bulletin board where they keep the make-up test schedule, I'm dreading having to call my people and cancel. When I get to the board I notice a thick black line on the schedule. Could it be? Yes it is! Tomorrow's make-ups will not be happening. I rush back to the teacher and tell her the news. She says, "Well then you have two options. You can wait until next Friday's make-up day or you can make an appointment with me earlier in the week." I thank her ever so much and walk back to my apartment. No tests for me today! Or tomorrow!

On my way back to the apartment, I weave my way through the cars in the parking lot with a slight spring in my step (an unusual thing for me). A few yards from the front door, I find a pencil. A perfectly functioning pencil. I keep losing my own pencils, so I take this as a gift from the writing utensil gods.
only problem is it's pink. i hate pink.
And now I wait. Because I'm going to see the new James Bond movie, Skyfall, at the midnight premiere. What will happen between now and then? Who knows? Maybe I'll break something else that I love. Or maybe I'll get lucky and find something totally awesome. I'm really hoping for the latter on this one.

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