Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Remember or Whatever

Today in my Principles of Selling class we watched clips of Remember the Titans. Don't ask me why. It just sorta happened. The instructor somehow had it tied in with his lecture, but to be honest, I wasn't paying that much attention. We started off the class by discussing scooterboy's (yes, that's what everyone is calling him now) need for a haircut. But I digress.

there is a lot of dancing in this film
that's all I take away from it anymore
Remember the Titans. How could I ever forget them? That movie seems to follow me everywhere I go. Not that it's a bad movie. In fact it's a pretty good movie. But I cannot count the times I've had to watch it against my will. In middle school it was the go to movie whenever a teacher decided to have a movie day. Every year. We watched this movie every year. Sometimes multiple times a year. I had to write a paper on it more than once. We watched it in Sunday if I recall correctly. We watched it high school few times. It has followed me everywhere. I get it! It teaches a good lesson. Yes, it's entertaining. But come on. What does this movie have to do with selling?

Being forced to watch this movie over and over has probably contributed a great deal to my dislike for sports movies (Mighty Ducks and Space Jam don't count because those are classics and were a crucial part of my childhood). Coach Carter, Glory Road, The Blind Side, We Are Marshall, etc. I have absolutely no desire to see any of these. Although, I'm pretty sure I had to watch Glory Road in my US History class once in high school. No idea why. We also watched Pearl Harbor in that class (because it is so accurate and educational).

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