Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Down Days

Yes. Well. That didn't last long. There were many distractions this weekend and my goal fell by the wayside. But I'll have you know I'm not even sorry. I had a fantastic weekend.

I did not, however, have a fantastic Monday.

Or Tuesday, for that matter.

And so to fight the gloom of returning to real life, I have immersed myself in the fictional. British drama, to be precise. Perhaps not the best thing to be watching if you wish to raise your spirits. But it is oh so entertaining. Particularly Downton Abbey. Have I mentioned before that I love this show? If not, it was a dreadful oversight on my part.

This show is fantastic: completely over the top drama, endless twists and turns, unexpected deaths, new characters popping in to shake things up, old characters with their bag of tricks, mysterious pasts slowly coming to light, love triangles, war tearing people apart, constant complications and so on and so forth. The British know just how to snake in under my emotional defenses, get a grip on my heart, and then mercilessly wrench it until I'm left a complete mess. But I love it. These characters and their ridiculous lives fascinate me. Plus, I have always been a sucker for a good costume drama.

And have I mentioned that Maggie Smith is a complete rock star in this show? Her hats alone are just magical.

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