Wednesday, November 21, 2012

*Hyacinths and Biscuits*

The second installment of my poetry segment after it has been named! I'm still not totally in love with the name, but I'm going to leave it be for now. 

So this is another poem I wrote for a class last year. We were assigned to write a sonnet. This is what I came up with. I rather enjoy it despite it's somewhat cliché-ness and lame title.

And that's about all I have to say about it. So, without further ado, here it is:

Words Unsaid
This silence does not fit.
It's too big for this space.
I wish I had strength to kill it,
But I can't; it has your face.
I wish I could scream or cry,
But no tears will come.
I want to ask you why,
But can't seem to move my tongue.
You read my silence as denial,
And so you turn to leave.
I had the words all the while,
But it's too late to make you believe.
Now I'm kept awake by words unsaid,
As they rattle around in my head.
By Jamie Rueckert 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tennant Tuesday

I was was on Tumblr today, as I am on most days, and I came across this intriguing piece of gossip:
"We don’t know just how they’d pull it off, but Bleeding Cool has heard from a solid source that David Tennant will be returning to Doctor Who."
- Bleeding Cool website
To clarify, he would be returning for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special. Now, I don't who this "solid source" is, but they had better be right otherwise they are going to give false hope to an entire fandom (a very dedicated fandom, I might add). If this proves to be a fake, there will be severe repercussions.

From what I've witnessed of Steven Moffat's reign as show runner on Doctor Who, I find the entire thing to be unlikely. The man seems very committed to eradicating any evidence that the show existed before he got there. But there is always hope I suppose.

I, personally, might just die of happiness if Tennant returns. And judging from Tumblr today, I would not be alone.

Also, forgive me if I've gone overboard with the Tennant gifs. I'm afraid I simply could not help myself. You see, on Tumblr, Tennant Tuesday is a thing.

Friday, November 16, 2012

It Must Be Magic

So I've been looking for a new British import to fall in love with while I wait for Doctor Who and Downton Abbey to return.

My search led me to the show Merlin. It's BBC's attempt make Arthurian legend palatable for family viewing. So a lot of the story lines are diluted and dumbed down so as not to shock young children who might be watching. For example, in the show Morgana is not Arthur's sister. She's just a ward of Uther's. And Guinevere starts off as Morgana's maid. Now, I'm no expert at Arthurian legend, but I'm pretty sure that's not how it usually goes.

I want to like this show. I really do. It's entertaining enough. But there's just something about it. I'm having a very difficult time getting into it. The dialogue leaves much to be desired. The individual plots are questionable. Honestly, right now the best part of the show are the costumes. The budget for the capes alone must be outrageous. But they are fantastic.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Viewing Habits

I watched a number of shows and movies today (and by 'today' I now mean yesterday because I started writing this at 11:30 pm and did not finish before it became tomorrow) because I found that I had time on my hands. I will list them for you now:

1. New Girl

The first time I watched "New Girl," I was in love. This show is just fantastic. Exactly my kind of humor. Quirky, delightful, and sometimes a little perplexing. It has cemented my love for Zooey Deschanel (i do admire her so. especially her hair. i wish i had hair like hers) and led me to the wonderful discovery of the splendidness that is Jake Johnson. Today I watched the latest episode on Hulu and for 22 glorious minutes I forgot about my own problems and reveled in theirs. 

Side effect:

I have found that I get oddly chatty (and a little confrontational) after watching "New Girl" for an extended period of time. The characters in this show that that effect on me. Especially the character of Jess. She is so in-your-face with her unapologetic quirkiness and her amazing wardrobe. Her confidence and enthusiasm is infectious. Each character in this show has an odd form of charisma that just gets to me. 

2. Much Ado About Nothing

More specifically, a stage version starring David Tennant and Catherine Tate. This is one of my favorite bits of Shakespeare. I love the characters of Benedict and Beatrice, but then who doesn't? I watched Kenneth Branagh's movie version of the play over the summer and adored it. But this is David Tennant and Catherine Tate here. How could I not love it more? It is spectacular. 

Side effect:

It made me want to rewatch Hamlet. More specifically, the TV movie version starring David Tennant and Patrick Stewart. These two men are perfection. PBS has the entire thing on their website. If you feel inclined to see it for yourself, I suggest clicking here.

3. Supernatural

Episode 7 of season 8 aired tonight on the CW. I made a calendar appointment for it. I did not want to miss it. The character of Cas is finally coming back and I just couldn't wait to see how that would go down. And so, at precisely five to eight, I turned on my little telly. But the television gods were not with me tonight. My poor old television is on the fritz. The sound comes in just great. But the lack of picture leaves much to be desired. For a brief moment I actually considered just listening to the show before finally giving up.

Side effect:

And so now I must wait. Wait until tomorrow when the episode will be available for viewing on Hulu. I am greatly saddened by this turn of events.

4. The Avengers 

I feel like I'm one of the last people in the country (or at least on the internet) that hasn't seen this movie. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to see it and I could not wait any longer. 

Side effect:

I will be up until the small hours of the morning watching this. But that's ok. My 7:30 am class is canceled tomorrow and I don't have to be anywhere until 10. I feel justified in my decision.

Friday, November 9, 2012

*Hyacinths and Biscuits*

I have finally named my little poetry segment. Henceforth it shall be known as "Hyacinths and Biscuits." Why? Because of this quote:
Poetry is the synthesis of hyacinths and biscuits.
- Carl Sandburg
What does this mean? I'm not entirely sure. But I like it. So it's staying. At least for now. 

Anywho, this is another poem I wrote a few years ago. I remember it was the summer I woke up before dawn almost everyday just to watch the sun rise (don't recall what year that was, but it was quite a while ago). I would sit outside on our back steps with my mug of freshly brewed coffee, a book, and the cat known as Peaches; and together we would watch the sun come up. It sounds more romantic than it was. Knowing how I live now, it also sounds crazy. These days I'm lucky if I wake up before lunch. But times were different back then. I actually worked at having a decent sleep schedule. Ah, to be young again.

So anyway, here's a poem:

Morning did not arrive quietly today.
It crashed in, guns blazing.
The wind chimes called out in a frenzy.
All the trees danced:
the young ones swayed,
the old ones groaned.
The air was thick with the promise of rain.
Clouds flashed in the distance.
Thunder was slow to follow,
but not for long.
Soon lightning was close enough to see.
White-hot lines shot down
like loose threads
as the sky came unraveled.
Thunder cracked, then rumbled.
It shook the world awake.
When the sky finally ripped open,
dreams fell down with the rain.
By Jamie Rueckert 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Free Pencils and Busted Pots

Well today has promised to be interesting.

so very, very sad
This morning I washed my dishes because last time I left them sitting in the sink all weekend and came back to find mold. Not acceptable. So I'm washing away, listening to music. I reach for my coffee pot because I haven't washed that for longer than I'd like to admit. So I'm scrubbing and scrubbing when suddenly: pop - snap - bang! My coffee pot is in pieces, shattered on the floor. I stand there for a moment, not quite accepting that this just happened. I didn't drop it. I was just holding it, cleaning it. Either I'm super strong or that glass was really weak. I'm inclined to wish for the former, but common sense tells me it's the latter. I clean it up and move on. But the reality of my situation hits me again and again: I can no longer make coffee in the morning! At least not until I get a new pot. I am quite devastated.

But not everything that has happened so far today has been as troubling. In my last class of the day there was a test. Now a part of this test was an essay we were assigned last Tuesday. Well, I wasn't in class on Tuesday. So I ask the teacher if I'm just going to get a zero on that part (which I would not be ok with, but I would accept since it was my own fault). She explains that yes, I would get a zero, but there is a make-up test day tomorrow and I can write the essay tonight and take the test then. I'm both relieved and saddened. I have plans for the weekend and am leaving town. But school must come first. So as I'm walking to the bulletin board where they keep the make-up test schedule, I'm dreading having to call my people and cancel. When I get to the board I notice a thick black line on the schedule. Could it be? Yes it is! Tomorrow's make-ups will not be happening. I rush back to the teacher and tell her the news. She says, "Well then you have two options. You can wait until next Friday's make-up day or you can make an appointment with me earlier in the week." I thank her ever so much and walk back to my apartment. No tests for me today! Or tomorrow!

On my way back to the apartment, I weave my way through the cars in the parking lot with a slight spring in my step (an unusual thing for me). A few yards from the front door, I find a pencil. A perfectly functioning pencil. I keep losing my own pencils, so I take this as a gift from the writing utensil gods.
only problem is it's pink. i hate pink.
And now I wait. Because I'm going to see the new James Bond movie, Skyfall, at the midnight premiere. What will happen between now and then? Who knows? Maybe I'll break something else that I love. Or maybe I'll get lucky and find something totally awesome. I'm really hoping for the latter on this one.

He's a Magic Man

Last night I watched Conan. I don't watch his show regularly. Only when there's nothing else that catches my attention do let him entertain me. But last night was special. The glorious Russell Brand was a guest. And as Conan pointed out several times during the show, Russel Brand is magical.

That man has a gift with words. He can go on and on, using the most eloquent language to say the dirtiest things. He has a magnificent way of talking (and the most delightful accent). But his jokes are often disgusting and offensive. This is why I love him. It is this apparent contradiction that makes him so appealing. The man is a paradox. One of the few memoirs I have ever read was his book, My Booky Wook. Amazing book. Extremely entertaining. Didn't get to finish it though. I borrowed it from the library through an inter-library loan program and I never took the time to check it out again. But I still plan on finishing it. Eventually. His use of the English language is just resplendent. He uses the most beautiful words to say the filthiest things. How can you not just love that? People think that just because he does and says outrageous things it means he's daft (love that word; needs to be used more in American lexicon) but he's not. He's actually pretty damn intelligent.

The way he moves reminds me of the stage actors in the olden days. Grand gestures; exaggerated facial expressions; graceful, fluttering movements as he dances across the floor. And he never sits still. In fact he never sits in a chair the proper way for very long. He's so whimsical and brilliant. All the things he does add up to make him extremely entertaining to listen to and watch. He is enchanting.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Remember or Whatever

Today in my Principles of Selling class we watched clips of Remember the Titans. Don't ask me why. It just sorta happened. The instructor somehow had it tied in with his lecture, but to be honest, I wasn't paying that much attention. We started off the class by discussing scooterboy's (yes, that's what everyone is calling him now) need for a haircut. But I digress.

there is a lot of dancing in this film
that's all I take away from it anymore
Remember the Titans. How could I ever forget them? That movie seems to follow me everywhere I go. Not that it's a bad movie. In fact it's a pretty good movie. But I cannot count the times I've had to watch it against my will. In middle school it was the go to movie whenever a teacher decided to have a movie day. Every year. We watched this movie every year. Sometimes multiple times a year. I had to write a paper on it more than once. We watched it in Sunday if I recall correctly. We watched it high school few times. It has followed me everywhere. I get it! It teaches a good lesson. Yes, it's entertaining. But come on. What does this movie have to do with selling?

Being forced to watch this movie over and over has probably contributed a great deal to my dislike for sports movies (Mighty Ducks and Space Jam don't count because those are classics and were a crucial part of my childhood). Coach Carter, Glory Road, The Blind Side, We Are Marshall, etc. I have absolutely no desire to see any of these. Although, I'm pretty sure I had to watch Glory Road in my US History class once in high school. No idea why. We also watched Pearl Harbor in that class (because it is so accurate and educational).

And Done

As I'm sure everyone has heard by now, Obama has been re-elected. Don't get me wrong, I am delighted by this. But I'm not inclined to give a discourse on why I'm pleased with the outcome of the election. There are a million places out there on the internet where one could find people's opinions (some of them smart and well thought out; most of them just word vomit) on this. For instance, Facebook has, not surprisingly, been flooded with statuses in which everyone giving their two cents about the outcome. Never has it been more clear to me where my friends stand politically (or, more accurately, where their parents stand).

I'm not sure why, but this makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Perhaps it's because half the people seem to be irrationally angry and the other half seem to be unjustifiably arrogant. I doubt the outcome of this election is going cause the country to crumble. But I also think it's just as unlikely that everything's going to magically change for the better overnight (much like last time). Also, I'm getting really tired of people saying they are tired of people claiming they're moving to Canada now. But I suppose this is what I get for living in a red state. 

This election season has turned me cynical I think. Four years ago, I was ecstatic when Obama won. I cried during his acceptance speech. I carried on and on about how I would tell my children about the first president I ever voted for. I wore that damn sticker declaring "I Voted" for weeks. But now I'm just glad it's over and my guy won.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Down Days

Yes. Well. That didn't last long. There were many distractions this weekend and my goal fell by the wayside. But I'll have you know I'm not even sorry. I had a fantastic weekend.

I did not, however, have a fantastic Monday.

Or Tuesday, for that matter.

And so to fight the gloom of returning to real life, I have immersed myself in the fictional. British drama, to be precise. Perhaps not the best thing to be watching if you wish to raise your spirits. But it is oh so entertaining. Particularly Downton Abbey. Have I mentioned before that I love this show? If not, it was a dreadful oversight on my part.

This show is fantastic: completely over the top drama, endless twists and turns, unexpected deaths, new characters popping in to shake things up, old characters with their bag of tricks, mysterious pasts slowly coming to light, love triangles, war tearing people apart, constant complications and so on and so forth. The British know just how to snake in under my emotional defenses, get a grip on my heart, and then mercilessly wrench it until I'm left a complete mess. But I love it. These characters and their ridiculous lives fascinate me. Plus, I have always been a sucker for a good costume drama.

And have I mentioned that Maggie Smith is a complete rock star in this show? Her hats alone are just magical.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Because I'm Lazy

Yeah, I couldn't think of anything to post today. And I didn't want to give up my little goal so soon. So I'm copping out. I'm just going to post another poem right away. In a still yet to be named 'segment' of my blog:

This is poem a I wrote in my 'angsty teenager' phase. This is a common phase. Or at least if I'm to believe the movies it is. At that time I enjoyed writing rather cheerless, if somewhat cliche, poetry, much like many of my peers.

Crazier Than the Rest
Don't worry my love
It happens to the best of us
The new pieces you are given don't fit
And you lose the game before you had a chance to begin
Ah, the game!
That is what this is all about
The game that is impossible to win
But we toss our hats in the ring every time
The players you know
The players you don't know
The times when you were skipped over
The turns you didn't take when you had the chance
All of this culminates to create the venture they call life
Don't worry love
It happens to everyone
It just hurts you more than it should
For you, my dear, you are crazier than the rest
By Jamie Rueckert 

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Yesterday I found a nickel. It was probably the highlight of my Halloween. And it led me down a winding path that ended with me watching episodes of The Fairly Oddparents at one o'clock in the morning.

When you find a penny, it means you'll have luck all day. When you find a dine, it means a dead person is trying to talk to you. What does it mean when you find a nickel? According to a cursory survey of the internet, it means nothing. Except that you might watch cartoons from your childhood late into the night and end up with a serious case of nostalgia. (Did you know that they are still making this show? It's in its 9th season.)

But man I wish finding that nickel had meant luck was in store for me because I really needed it yesterday. I was late to my first class (in which we not one, but two tests), I was dropping things all over the place (and almost broke a lot of glass), I cut my hand on something (still not sure how or where that happened). All of this happened before noon.

And today has started off to be not much different. Stupid nickel.