Monday, December 10, 2012

The Green Phoenix

photographic proof
Finally finished! Well, with knitting a that scarf anyway. In truth, I finished it two weeks ago. I'm just now getting around to posting about it. (because I know the internet is just dying to read about my knitting escapades) I can't tell you how many times I started, got a good ways along, then ripped it all out and started again. A lot. That is my best answer to that.

But here it is. My first knitting project completed. Ah, I love the feeling of finishing things.

Only thing is, I don't much care for it. The edges are all wonky. And it's so square. So I've decided I'm going to pull it apart and do it again. This time with the classic 'knit one, purl two' method I've heard so much about. And from the ashes of this scarf, a phoenix will arise! In the form a another scarf that will hopefully look just a little nicer. But this project was good practice.

The best part of it was it gave me something to do with my hands when watching television. I always need to be doing something with my hands. Once upon a time, that something was eating. But I've mostly kicked that habit. There is worse for your diet than mindlessly eating while watching TV. You don't even taste the food. It's just something you do without thinking about it. It's not good.

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