Monday, December 17, 2012

An Expected Delight

I meant to post something about this last Friday. I meant to brag about this so much earlier.

Guess who got to see The Hobbit at the midnight release last week? This girl!

Spectacular. Amazing. Marvelous. There are not enough adjectives to describe how it felt returning to Middle Earth. For you see, I am a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings. Though I refuse to refer to myself as a 'ringer'. That's what they call people in The Lord of the Rings fandom. I think is sounds a little ridiculous. But I suppose it isn't much worse than some of the other names people come up with for fandoms: Sherlockians. Whovians. Potterheads. Twihards. Trekkies. Really, I could go on for quite awhile listing them.  But I digress.

look. look how wonderful he is.
Back to the main point. I loved this movie. I loved it as much as I loved the other three. (one of the best birthday gifts I ever received was a box set of the trilogy on DVD; I wore those discs out) This movie turned  out to be everything I hoped for and more. Martin Freeman was absolutely brilliant as Bilbo. I love that man. He plays two of my favorite characters of all time: Bilbo Baggins and John Watson from BBC's Sherlock. He is just wonderful.

Opinions about The Hobbit may be mixed, but for me it was an undeniable success. The music alone was enough to win me over. It was definitely Lord of the Rings music, but it had its own flavor as well. I mean, listen to the song the dwarves sing and try not to fall in love.

Oh, the dwarves! How I loved them all! Though I could not, even if my life depended on it, remember all their names. Thorin. That was the only one I was sure of. I looked up the other ones and they are as follows: Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, and Ori. You can imagine why one would have difficulties keeping them straight. 

Now all I have to do is wait a year for the next one to come out. I'm already excited. 

I should probably try to read the books before then. I have all of them. I keep meaning to read them. But I just never seem to have the time. 

not like it would take that much time

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