Saturday, December 22, 2012


This last week hasn't been quite what I wanted it to be. There were numerous projects I wanted (needed) to get done. Cleaning my room. Organizing all my stuff. Go to the coffee place downtown. Well I did end up doing that last one, but only once. I meant to go more.

So what has Jamie been doing to occupy the time and keep from going insane? Let me make a list for you:

1: Knit no more! (but not really)

my projects are not as rude or as cool
I have set aside my knitting for the moment. Last week I cleaned out my closet (threw out a great deal of stuff that I had been hanging on to for no discernible reason) and found my box of cross stitching paraphernalia. I learned the art of cross stitching some years ago. I was in middle school if I'm not mistaken. I recalled how much I enjoyed this particular hobby so I decided to take it up again. Most of the patterns I have I got on clearance because the local cross stitching/ hardanger/ Scandinavian knick knack/ coffee shop was closing. Thus, the patterns I have are not exactly my favorite, but I enjoy them nonetheless. I read somewhere that Dame Judi Dench likes to do needlepoint when there's down time on the set of her movies. Reportedly, she enjoys making elaborate designs that include rude sayings and swear words and then gives these as gifts. I don't know if this story is true, but I certainly hope that it is. Judi Dench: making needlepoint cool. 

2: Now you can ride the rides!

Another long forgotten item I unearthed from the bowels my closet is one of the very few computer games I ever owned: Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. I spent many hours of my youth playing this game. I decided to see if I still found it fun. I do. I find it immensely fun. The graphics are terrible, of course. But I've never been one to overly care about things like that. I'm just having a good time building stuff and messing with the peeps in the game. That's what they're called in the game. Peeps. Like those gross little marshmallow chickens. And now that's what I think of whenever I play the game. I suppose they have the same beady little eye thing going on. And they both look disfigured in one way or another. But the roller coasters are fun. I like building things. Even virtual things. 

3: Something about it being elementary...

and this is how far i am
I have begun the long and arduous journey of reading The Complete Sherlock Homes. I say arduous not because the stories aren't enjoyable. I'm finding them to be quite delicious in fact. This journey is going to be arduous (doesn't look like a word anymore) because the book is so damn massive! 1077 pages. (I suppose I have read books this long and longer before) But what else could you expect when it contains all of the Sherlock Homes? All sixty stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle packed nicely into one shiny, leather bound book. I'm only on the first one, A Study in Scarlet. And I've already found a new favorite phrase: ineffable twaddle! Watson cries this after reading a magazine article written by Sherlock. My new goal is to use this phrase in everyday conversations whenever I get a chance. 

4: Wolverines. Who knew?

Oh, I also went to see Red Dawn. I was pleasantly surprised. It was not terrible. (please note that I've never seen the original) I was actually quite entertained. However, the entire time I kept thinking of this clip from Family Guy. Despite that (or perhaps because of it) I was rather pleased with the movie. I would include a picture of the ticket stub again but I seem to have lost it. It is a very small piece of paper. So I wrote a note on our chalkboard in case someone else might find it:

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