Sunday, December 23, 2012

I Always Do What Chocolate Tells Me

Only when it's dark chocolate though. I need to be clear on that point. I love me some dark chocolate. Milk chocolate is tolerable, but only in the most dire, need-chocolate-now types of situations. Or when it has almonds. I love almonds in chocolate. And almonds in dark chocolate? Heaven.

So when my mother offered me a small Dove Chocolate that was dark, how could I possible say no? Now, if you've ever had a one those mini Dove Chocolates, you know that on the inside of the foil wrapper there's always a quote. Stuff like, "Be fearless" or "Make the most of everyday" or "You are exactly who you are supposed to be". Sappy, inspirational drivel like that. Like fortune cookies, but more delicious. My chocolate fortune this particular time was this:

How could I possibly deny such a request? It's more of a command really. And when dark chocolate commands you to do something, you best listen. So I did:

I've tallied two snow angels this year. That's more than I've made in probably the last ten years. I don't know what this means. But I thought it was worth noting. Happy Holidays!

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