Monday, December 10, 2012

A Big, Bloody Ship

I had the most fortunate opportunity to see Skyfall in theaters the day it came out at a midnight release. During this trip to the cinema, I had the novel experience of feel wholly under dressed in a movie theater. Over half the audience were wearing suits. I suppose it was only to be expected. It is James Bond after all. But I digress.

The movie was, in a word, delicious. The best one of the Daniel Craig installments in the franchise. It was new, it was old, it was marvelous. It paid homage to the ones that came before but it wasn't in your face about it. It was the subtle things and the not so subtle things. I won't list any of them here, lest I spoil the film for anyone. It just felt like a true James Bond movie. It had that certain something. Something Casino Royale didn't have much of and something that Quantum of Solace lacked almost completely.

And don't get me started on the villain. Javier Bardem was pure perfection as Silva. He was so evil, but he was so good. He was twisted, demented, damaged, (just how I like my evil masterminds) but there was something about him that called out to the viewer. Something that made you relate to him on some level, just enough to make you uncomfortably sympathetic for his character. And, unlike the last two movies, it was clear who the bad guy was. And there was only one. Something I really disliked in Quantum was the sheer amount of evildoers. Too many villains for one movie.

This film has cemented Daniel Craig onto my list of all time favorite actors. He was perfect. (I'm aware of how much I'm using that word, but it's the only way to describe these things) All of the actors were perfect. Judy Dench was her usual flawless self. Ralph Fiennes was finally in a role were he didn't need to constantly whisper. (see Harry Potter and Clash of the Titans franchises) And this newcomer, Ben Whishaw, was just amazing as Q. But of course, all the fan girls out there are now shipping James Bond and Q hard. That is, of course, when they're not shipping Bond and Silva. It's mildly annoying, but to each their own I guess.

And one more thing before I finish raving: the song. Adele completely nailed this. Her song is so perfect for this movie, it's difficult to put it into coherent words. Her voice, the lyrics, the melodies that recall themes from the original movies. All of this combines into one piece of music/movie gold. If you haven't heard it, listen to it now. If you have, listen again. Now.

I can't even handle how amazing this is.

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