Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Grimm Future For Hollywood

It's no secret that Hollywood has run out of new ideas. But this fact has become more obvious of late. First vampires, then werewolves, then zombies, and now anything by the Brothers Grimm. The latest fad in film and television is revamping (pun intended) classic fairy tales. There are two movies retelling the story of Snow White coming out next summer alone.

Mirror, Mirror
Snow White and the Huntsman

The first one looks more like a romantic comedy with Julia Roberts playing a role tailor made for her: evil queen. The second looks like another Twilight knockoff. That is partly because Kristen "How-Does-She-Keep-Getting-Work" Stewart is playing Snow White. These movies come flying in on the tail of Red Riding Hood and Beastly and slew of other "modern take on classic fairy tale" movies.
I'm not really excited about any of them. The fact that Roberts and Stewart are involved is enough to keep me away. Far, far away. But I will probably watch them anyway because I am a sucker for fairy tales. But I'm not happy about it. In fact, I'm quite conflicted about this emerging genre. Even TV is getting in on the action:

Once Upon A Time
And since I love fairy tales so much, I'll probably end up watching these two shows as well. But it's not something I'm proud of. They are guilty pleasures that I'll hate myself for watching because I am just feeding the machine that is Hollywood as it cashes in on the latest craze. What can I do but try to enjoy the this trend until it ends? So what if the movies are unoriginal and pander to an audience that is desperate to relive its childhood by watching melodramatic, teen angst versions of its favorite fairy tales?

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