Friday, September 9, 2011

Saving Seats

I don't like to push buttons. I avoid ruffling feathers. I dread stepping on toes. Some call me a push over. I like to think I'm just a polite person who doesn't like to upset others when it's not necessary.
But occasionally it is necessary. If one wants something, one often has to push to get it. Occasionally that invovles pushing people. I don't enjoy it. But when I have to, I will. I will inconvenience someone else to further my own goals (whatever they may be at the time). But it's not fun.
Some people have no problem imposing on other people. Is this just people being rude? Or is this just people who are unafraid of going after what they want? I suppose there is a line. A fine line, as these types of line usually are, between being rude and being determined.
I wish I could be that person who doesn't worry about bothering other people. But that person, I am not. I always try to keep everyone happy. But that is an impossible goal. Buttons get pushed. Feathers are inadvertently ruffled. And toes will inevitably be stepped on. You can't please everyone.

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