Monday, September 12, 2011

Acting Like an Idiot

The phrase 'be yourself' is something that has been preached to my generation since we first stumbled onto this planet. It's an easy concept to understand. It's a little more difficult to put it into action. Everyone knows being yourself isn't easy in a world that demands conformity.
Turns out though, being yourself all the time isn't always the best thing. Peer pressure has a purpose. Studies have shown kids who experience peer pressure actually turn out to be better adjusted than those who are always running around 'being themselves.' People who experience peer pressure learn to be more accommodating toward their fellow humans. They learn to compromise. They learn that life is not all about making themselves happy.

This is an excerpt from an article entitled "7 Things 'Good Parents' Do (That Screw Up Kids For Life)" by Cezary Jan Strusiewicz:
"Maybe more importantly, when you actually give a damn about how people view you, it develops a skill of reading the most subtle changes in people's emotional states, leading ultimately to a heightened sense of empathy. In this socially awkward age of the Internet, it turns out peer pressure at the right time can basically give you superpowers." 
Read more of this humorous and interesting article here.

Not that being yourself is a bad thing. Quite the contrary. It's very good to be yourself. You'll be a happier person if you are comfortable with who you are. However, as with most important things in life, there a balance. In short, one should not use the excuse of 'being yourself' to be a jackass.
You just can't let peer pressure control you. It's okay to act like an idiot every once in a while. In fact, it's quite fun. Besides, who knows what 'being yourself' really means? Like 'yourself' is a definite, clear thing. It's not. All we can do is try to stay true to ourselves without being obnoxious. 

And now to lighten the mood, I'll leave you with a funny:

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

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