Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Greek Myth Has Taken Over My Life

This semester, I'm in a class entitled, "Classical Myth and Media". I was incredibly excited to be taking such a course, for, as most of my friends know, I am a huge lover of mythology. I have been studying it independently for years now. I've read hundreds of articles on the internet, purchased several books on the subject, and watched dozens of specials on the History Channel. 
One of my favorite programs. Pity it only lasted 10 episodes...
So naturally I was looking forward to the class. Alas, I was only to be disappointed, but that is story for another day...
Besides my mythology class, I am taking a course on world literature. And wouldn't you know it, we're now reading the Iliad and the Odyssey in that class too. So at the moment, I'm getting a double dose of Achilles's rage and Odysseus's exploits. I've read both epic poems before so this all mostly review for me. But I still love it. I love anything to do with mythology. And I love being able to talk about with other people and not feel like a complete dork whilst doing so. I feel like all the time I spent reading up on the different pantheons and mystical creatures was not a complete waste of my youth.
If you happen to be in the area,
come and see the play  on  Oct 27, 28, 29!
Also this fall, I am participating in a production Metamorphose. This play consists of several different Greek myths adapted for the stage. I'm loving it, of course. No only because I adore Greek Mythology, but also because I love theater (see post below).
So between the two classes and the play, one would think I would have my fill of mythology. But they would be wrong! For those crazy ancient Greeks keep popping up everywhere. In my sociology class, we were discussing Freud. And that man had a lot to say about Greek myths. In my mass communications class, I had to make a business card for a famous literary figure. Who do you think I chose? Athena of course! My favorite of all the gods and goddesses.
You must be thinking, "So what, is this supposed a post complaining that Greek Mythology won't leave her alone?" Quite the contrary. I am utterly thrilled to be surrounded the stories and characters that I love everywhere I go. I'll be sad when it ends and I have to go back to being a closet mythology addict.

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