Friday, September 30, 2011

I'm Not Much Of a Gamer

But this mouse is awesome and I want it.
It's called the Chameleon and it is the most beautiful mouse I have ever seen. It's a mouse, a game controller, and a remote control. I don't know how efficient this device would be, but the idea of it is amazing.  I love how many new devices are now being made to multitask. Best of all, this design is sleek, attractive, and it comes in red. It's the perfect blend of design and functionality. Or should I say multifunctionality?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Greek Myth Has Taken Over My Life

This semester, I'm in a class entitled, "Classical Myth and Media". I was incredibly excited to be taking such a course, for, as most of my friends know, I am a huge lover of mythology. I have been studying it independently for years now. I've read hundreds of articles on the internet, purchased several books on the subject, and watched dozens of specials on the History Channel. 
One of my favorite programs. Pity it only lasted 10 episodes...
So naturally I was looking forward to the class. Alas, I was only to be disappointed, but that is story for another day...
Besides my mythology class, I am taking a course on world literature. And wouldn't you know it, we're now reading the Iliad and the Odyssey in that class too. So at the moment, I'm getting a double dose of Achilles's rage and Odysseus's exploits. I've read both epic poems before so this all mostly review for me. But I still love it. I love anything to do with mythology. And I love being able to talk about with other people and not feel like a complete dork whilst doing so. I feel like all the time I spent reading up on the different pantheons and mystical creatures was not a complete waste of my youth.
If you happen to be in the area,
come and see the play  on  Oct 27, 28, 29!
Also this fall, I am participating in a production Metamorphose. This play consists of several different Greek myths adapted for the stage. I'm loving it, of course. No only because I adore Greek Mythology, but also because I love theater (see post below).
So between the two classes and the play, one would think I would have my fill of mythology. But they would be wrong! For those crazy ancient Greeks keep popping up everywhere. In my sociology class, we were discussing Freud. And that man had a lot to say about Greek myths. In my mass communications class, I had to make a business card for a famous literary figure. Who do you think I chose? Athena of course! My favorite of all the gods and goddesses.
You must be thinking, "So what, is this supposed a post complaining that Greek Mythology won't leave her alone?" Quite the contrary. I am utterly thrilled to be surrounded the stories and characters that I love everywhere I go. I'll be sad when it ends and I have to go back to being a closet mythology addict.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Ever had one of those days where you just don't feel like yourself? Every had a week like that? How about two? For about the last two weeks, the Jamie I have come to know and mostly tolerate, has been missing in action. In her place is this weird, confused version of Jamie. Maybe it's frustration. Maybe it's stress. But I just don't feel like me. I fee like:
It's frustrating knowing that something is off but having no idea as to what that something might be. Things are so weird right now. Life has become this convoluted mess of strange emotions and inexplicable actions. 
Hopefully things will get better soon because I don't know how much more of this inner chaos I can stand without imploding. Or exploding. Which would not be good for those who are standing near. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Just Going With It

English for New Media. What does this mean? Honestly, I'm not really sure. I like reading and writing. But I do not, under any circumstances, want to teach. Ever. So this major seemed like the best choice for me. But what does one do with a major in English for New Media?
I get asked this question every time I tell someone my major. I usually answer by saying I want to be a writer. And then the questioner asks what the 'new media' part means. And I really don't know what to say. I'll be using a computer? I'll blog a lot? Right now I'm just going with it.
But as I get closer to the end my time in college, I begin to worry. What am I going to do with a degree in English for New Media? I do not want to be one of those hipster baristas.
Lord, save me from that fate.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dear Lord, What Have I Done?

I am assigned a paper to write. I come up with an idea that I think will fit the criteria but will also be somewhat unique. I hate handing in something that I know the professor has read a thousand times before. So I always try to make it my own. Put my own spin on it.
So I do the research and get some sources. Then I sit down and I write. I slave over a hot keyboard for hours, pounding out an essay. I am reasonably please with it. I like the writing. I like the topic. I find it to a be a nice little paper. I'm proud of the work I've done and I'm happy with the result. I'm all ready to hand it in and have the weight of it off my shoulders.
And then I run into this little speed bump: 
Do I really want to submit this? It is good enough? Is it what the professor wants? Does it fit the guidelines well enough? Do I have all the information I need? Why didn't I just pick a safe topic? Why did I have to make it my own? Why couldn't I have just done it like everybody else? What was I thinking?
But there's no going back. The deadline is to near to start a new paper. I have to tell myself that handing in something that might not be exactly what was asked for is better than not handing in anything at all.
I close my eyes and click the button. I receive the confirmation email that says my paper is out there in the open, exposed to the world. I take a deep breath and wish it luck as it prepares to be judged and used however the professor sees fit.
I know I should be happy that I got it done. Even if it isn't perfect, it's better than a zero.
But that logic does nothing to shake the feeling that somehow, I just gambled my grade away. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Acting Like an Idiot

The phrase 'be yourself' is something that has been preached to my generation since we first stumbled onto this planet. It's an easy concept to understand. It's a little more difficult to put it into action. Everyone knows being yourself isn't easy in a world that demands conformity.
Turns out though, being yourself all the time isn't always the best thing. Peer pressure has a purpose. Studies have shown kids who experience peer pressure actually turn out to be better adjusted than those who are always running around 'being themselves.' People who experience peer pressure learn to be more accommodating toward their fellow humans. They learn to compromise. They learn that life is not all about making themselves happy.

This is an excerpt from an article entitled "7 Things 'Good Parents' Do (That Screw Up Kids For Life)" by Cezary Jan Strusiewicz:
"Maybe more importantly, when you actually give a damn about how people view you, it develops a skill of reading the most subtle changes in people's emotional states, leading ultimately to a heightened sense of empathy. In this socially awkward age of the Internet, it turns out peer pressure at the right time can basically give you superpowers." 
Read more of this humorous and interesting article here.

Not that being yourself is a bad thing. Quite the contrary. It's very good to be yourself. You'll be a happier person if you are comfortable with who you are. However, as with most important things in life, there a balance. In short, one should not use the excuse of 'being yourself' to be a jackass.
You just can't let peer pressure control you. It's okay to act like an idiot every once in a while. In fact, it's quite fun. Besides, who knows what 'being yourself' really means? Like 'yourself' is a definite, clear thing. It's not. All we can do is try to stay true to ourselves without being obnoxious. 

And now to lighten the mood, I'll leave you with a funny:

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

Friday, September 9, 2011

Saving Seats

I don't like to push buttons. I avoid ruffling feathers. I dread stepping on toes. Some call me a push over. I like to think I'm just a polite person who doesn't like to upset others when it's not necessary.
But occasionally it is necessary. If one wants something, one often has to push to get it. Occasionally that invovles pushing people. I don't enjoy it. But when I have to, I will. I will inconvenience someone else to further my own goals (whatever they may be at the time). But it's not fun.
Some people have no problem imposing on other people. Is this just people being rude? Or is this just people who are unafraid of going after what they want? I suppose there is a line. A fine line, as these types of line usually are, between being rude and being determined.
I wish I could be that person who doesn't worry about bothering other people. But that person, I am not. I always try to keep everyone happy. But that is an impossible goal. Buttons get pushed. Feathers are inadvertently ruffled. And toes will inevitably be stepped on. You can't please everyone.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Good Old Fashioned...

It's easy to forget just how far women have come in the last 50 years when we still have so far to go. But indeed we are in a much better place than we were. Take a look at this compilation of ads for coffee from the 50's and 60's:

It's funny and offensive. It's so offensive that it's funny. 

I laughed out loud when I first watched this. It seems more like a caricature than a realistic representation of the life of a housewife.The sad looks on the women's faces when their husbands tell them how bad their coffee is are pathetic. The condescending tones of the men make my hand itch to slap them. Was life really like this for some women? Did they really spend their days worrying over trivial little things like coffee just to make their husbands happy?
To me this notion is ridiculous. I've grown up in an age where sexism is condemned. Bigotry is not tolerated. Chauvinistic behavior is no longer passively accepted. I've grown up with the idea that I am to be treated as an equal. I sometimes take for granted the fact that it has not always been so. That these ads would even make it to air is seems ridiculous now. That's what makes them funny. But then I think about the ads on television today and I realize they aren't much better. (take note that this is from someone who has never taken a gender studies course in her life)
Sexism isn't disappearing anytime soon. Women still fight a daily battle to be treated with respect. But at least it's better than it was; a fact illustrated here by these absurd commercials.

New Year, New Directions (or lack thereof)

I have decided to keep blogging. 
My Foundations in English for New Media class ended last semester. This blog was originally created for that class. Since that class is no more, this blog shall no longer focus solely on new media. Instead it shall contain my ramblings because I do so like to ramble on. Usually about things of no real consequence. And what better place to prattle on about nothing than the Internet?
I could have just started a new blog. 
But I love the name of this one. 
Because I love Emily Dickinson.