Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Aw Yeah!

I'm so proud of myself. Is that a bad thing? To be proud of what you've done? Aren't polite people supposed to be humble and modest about their accomplishments? I usually don't like to boast. It's not courteous. Oh, who cares! I'm proud of myself today and I don't care who knows it. This morning, I was up a full hour before my first class, a feat I have not been able to achieve since freshman year. A reason to be proud indeed.
Oh wait, there was something else. Some other reason for me to be proud and boastful. What was it again? Oh yeah! This:
Yeah that's right. Second place in a national competition. I made crowns for our production of Metamorphoses. We brought them to the American College Theater Festival and entered them in the allied crafts competition. And we, little old DSU (who has no theater major or any real budget) won second place against the big boys. Elation!
And yeah, they spelled my name wrong.

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