Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Aw Yeah!

I'm so proud of myself. Is that a bad thing? To be proud of what you've done? Aren't polite people supposed to be humble and modest about their accomplishments? I usually don't like to boast. It's not courteous. Oh, who cares! I'm proud of myself today and I don't care who knows it. This morning, I was up a full hour before my first class, a feat I have not been able to achieve since freshman year. A reason to be proud indeed.
Oh wait, there was something else. Some other reason for me to be proud and boastful. What was it again? Oh yeah! This:
Yeah that's right. Second place in a national competition. I made crowns for our production of Metamorphoses. We brought them to the American College Theater Festival and entered them in the allied crafts competition. And we, little old DSU (who has no theater major or any real budget) won second place against the big boys. Elation!
And yeah, they spelled my name wrong.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

On The Plus Side, I Just Got New Glasses

If one cares to look at the time stamp on this post they well notice that it is after four in the morning. As I write this I am fully aware that my time would be best spent sleeping at this moment. Unfortunately, I have been experiencing a small case of insomnia these past few weeks. Every other time there was no real reason for my sleepless state. However, tonight there is an excuse for me being awake at this ungodly hour: money. Or more accurately, my lack of it. The truth of the matter is that I have no idea how I’m going to pay for school this semester. If I dropped a couple courses I’m sure I could finagle a way to pay. But as it stands, I’m already going to be in school for five years. I do not want to turn that into six. There are other options I’m sure. (anyone know who to talk to about selling a kidney?) I’ll figure something out. But it’s really difficult to stay positive when you’re sleep deprived. Everything looks kind of hopeless at four in the morning. So here I sit in a state of panic, unable to shut my eyes and just go to sleep. I know there’s nothing I can do about it at this moment and things will probably look better in tomorrow morning. (and by tomorrow I mean Sunday and by morning I mean when the sun is up, Dave)
As a side note, there is absolutely nothing on TV at four am. Even the infomercials suck at this time of night. Or day. Whatever. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ahh, Sweet Sitcomy Goodness

It's five days into 2012 and I all can say is that I hope it gets better. As it stands, this new year has gotten off to a less than stellar start. I've spent the last week watching an obscene about of The Big Bang Theory. (caught up on all five seasons in five days, a personal record.)

And now I've moved onto How I Met Your Mother. It might take me longer to catch up on that one since there are seven seasons to be watched. But since I have no life at the moment, it seems like a worthy endeavor and a legitimate way to waste my time.
In between watching too many fluffy sitcoms, I have been able to catch up on a bit of my reading. I'll put in a quick word for my latest literary adventure, The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson. Only about halfway through, but thus far it has turned out to be quite delicious. But I digress.

Needless to say, I am more than ready to get back to real life. Not that I haven't enjoyed this time at home with my family. I'm just going a little crazy here.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Reflections and Projections

Well, here it is. 2012. Our last year on earth. On the positive side, if the world does end this year, there'll be no more student loans looming over my head.
But back in the real world.
Now is usually the time of year when one is called to both reflect and make plans for the future. I don't think I'll be doing either of those. 2011 is still quite fresh in my mind and as such, I have no desire to analyze all the alarming things that occurred within its 12 months. Oh I admit, there were a few moments that I am quite fond of. But the overall feeling of the year was one of panic and despondency. I can only hope that 2012 will bring something new to the table. Perhaps a little hope? But optimism was never my strong suit.
As for my plans for the future, those remain relatively unchanged. Continue with school and try not to die. I was never one for making new years resolutions as I can never seem to keep any of them. Much like whenever I was up to bat in softball, there was too much pressure and never enough follow through.
Now is also the time of year when people are making lists. From the top music videos to the top ten people not running for president, everybody has a list. So here is my list of the top five artists that I listened to the most this past year:
Florence + the Machine
Mumford and Sons

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful New Year!