Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Surveys and Sweets

This afternoon I was unassumingly sitting in the cafeteria when I was approached by a woman bearing candy and an iPod Touch. What was that thing my parents always told me about strangers with candy and portable media players?
In any case, I ignored my parent’s advice and spoke to her.  She asked me to take a survey about the food services here. As a form of payment for answering these questions, I would receive a free piece of candy. Sadly I would not get to keep the iPod. The iPod was instead the tool used to take the survey. Twelve questions were answered via the touch screen device. It seems these new media instruments are becoming ever increasingly present in daily life. Something as simple as asking and answering a few questions is now made easier and more environmentally friendly. No paper and pencils to carry around. No surveys to sift through when done. All the results are immediately calculated without the risk of a single paper cut. Very convenient, indeed.
Carrying around a half dozen iPod Touches and giant blue bag of candy did look a tad cumbersome. But still this must be vastly superior to the old way of conducting a survey. And very rewarding when one considers the candy.
I took the Skittles. 

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