Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Instant Ink

Rubber stamps. I don’t know about everyone else, but I had a huge collection of them when I was a child. Every once in a while I would take them out to create my own strange works of art. They are an old medium for sure. It’s been ages since I’ve seen one. Looking back, I’m not sure what made them so much fun. There were countless different shapes you could get in a rainbow of colors. It was easier than actually attempting to do draw something myself, I suppose. I always got a kick out of it when I was young. How many afternoons did I end up with inky fingers and reams of paper covered in smudged stamping? They always got thrown away in the end anyway. Other than in the scrapbooking world, what purpose do they serve? There are the times when a teacher doesn’t want to spend the money on shiny stickers; they usually opt for the stamp.
Now, you’re probably asking yourself, “Where is she going with this? Stamps? Who cares?” Well just hold on my friend, because you are about to be blown away.
I have just discovered that even this old art form could go high tech. There is now a concept design for a device that is a digital camera and rubber stamp in one. You take a picture and, through some crazy miracle of modern technology, have the option of turning it into a rubber stamp. Thus you would get an instant copy of the photo in ink. It’s like a Polaroid, only more fun. If you ask me, a stamp is way cooler than getting a regular printed version of your photos.

Too bad it’s only a concept right now. But if this product were to become a reality (a reasonably priced reality) I would most definitely be in line to buy my own. What more could one want from life than to have a digital rubber stamp? Turn my own face into a stamp? Yes, please!
Here is the link to the design if you care to learn more.

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