Saturday, February 5, 2011

eBooks: My Humble Opinion

Similar to most people I know, I have mixed feelings about eBook readers. I fear that most of what I have to say about them has already been said many times over. However, I shall write it out here anyway and hope that I might be able to add something new to the conversation; nonetheless, I would not blame anyone who chose not to read this particular entry all the way through.
I can appreciate the advantages eBook readers offer. It would be nice to have all your books in one place and be able to take them with you anywhere. It certainly would be easier to carry. Being able to purchase books and read them instantly would convenient as well. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve ordered books online and had to wait as the next three or four stretched out to feel more like an entire month. When you are truly excited to read a book, it is almost painful to have to wait to read it.
Also, on average, eBooks are cheaper than regular books. So overtime the eBook reader would essentially pay for itself when one counted all the money saved buying digital copies of a book rather than one made of paper.
Speaking of paper, the eBook reader requite very little of that. It is much more environmentally conscious to purchase an eBook. It must save quite a few trees. As someone who tries to be ecofriendly, this is a major plus.
There are so many different eBook readers out there now. There are the big ones such the Kindle and the Nook. Both Sony and Samsung have its own eBook reader. There’s also the PocketBook and the Kobo and a dozen others that I’ve never heard of. It’s clear that the eBook reader is not going anywhere anytime soon. And (no surprise) even Google is getting in on the game:

(regardless of what it says about Google or what it means for the book business, this a pretty amazing video)

But like any true bibliophile, I cannot help but feel a small amount of animosity towards the eBook. No matter how bad it is for the environment, I will always prefer the feel of paper than piece of machinery.
I would miss the smell of books too. For me, it is one of the most delightful smells in the world, right behind the smell of fresh baked muffins and a new pot of coffee.
Being able to hold a book and turn the pages will always be preferable to touching a screen. A book doesn’t need batteries. And if it gets wet, it does quite working. Sure there might be some water damage, but that won’t stop me from being able read it.
Having shelves of books might be more expensive and take up more room than an eBook reader, but that won’t stop me from preferring real books to virtual ones.

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