Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Things That Most People Enjoy but I Do Not

Food Edition

I have nothing personal against the foods and drinks listed here or the people who might enjoy them. In fact there are occasions, albeit rare occasions (the conditions have to be just right or I have to be desperate), in which I will partake of said food.

This list is probably not complete. But these are the foods that come up most often. They are also the ones I get the strongest reactions with. Especially the first two.

People look at me like I just murdered a bald eagle:

excess amounts of Cheese
Dr. Pepper (and all the imitators)
Hot Chocolate (with or with marshmallows)
most cases of Milk Chocolate (but I freaking love dark chocolate)
Peanut Butter (there is a story attached to this one, but I don't think I'll share it here)
Pretzels (unless they are covered in almond bark)
Peanuts (redundant but I need to emphasize how much I dislike them and anything pertains to them)
Sour Cream
really any type of melon
Cherries (but I love cherry flavored things)
grape flavored things (but I love Grapes)
Corn when it's on the cob
actually almost all seafood
Kettle Corn
Puff Popcorn
Cotton Candy
Malts (also the ball version)
Milk Duds
Twizzlers (and all other Liquorice-esque things)
Tootsie Rolls (they are NOT chocolate people!)
Pixy Sticks
Swedish Fish
Jelly Beans
Laffy Taffy
pretty much all Hostess snacks (but that's a moot point now)
same goes for Little Debbie snacks
Deviled eggs (however I enjoy most other ways eggs are prepared)
Pork Rinds (even sounds unappealing to me)

I'd like to make a note that the majority of things on this list are actually a bit (some more than just a bit) unhealthy (guess I'm not much of a candy person). This fact makes me feel less guilty for not liking them. And despite the length of this list, I don't consider myself a picky eater. The list of things I do like is much longer.

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