Monday, February 25, 2013

Embarking on a New/Old Book

*may contain spoilers*

Well, I finished Frankenstein. Loved it. I went in thinking that I knew what was generally going to happen. Because who doesn't know the basic story Frankenstein? But as I mentioned previously, the book was quite different from anything I was familiar with. And frankly (ha!) it was better than I expected. The last few chapters had me on the edge of my proverbial seat. I honestly had no idea what was going to happen. It's rare for me to be able to read a classic without already knowing how it ends. I've either seen a movie based on it or read about it somewhere else.

A few things about the creature I learned and found interesting:

He can talk: And not just talk. He gives long, eloquent speeches. The thing gets 6 chapters all to himself. 6 chapters of just him talking. But I think those were some of my favorite chapters. The monster has a way with words:
“I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.”
Also, he says 'thy' and 'thou' a lot more than anticipated.

however, in this picture he seems to be saying "Oh you!"
 instead of "AARARAGH!"
He is not terrified of fire: This is another familiar element of the stories I grew up with. But it was missing from the original. There is a scene just after he's come to life in which he burns his hands and freaks out. But can you blame him? He's only a few hours old. And he gets over that pretty quickly anyway. He even goes on to burn down a house. Good for him!

He's more like a superhero (villain?) than a zombie: He moves with speed and agility. He's able to live in harsh conditions that normal humans wouldn't survive. He never stops in his quest for justice/revenge. And for awhile he even lives in a lair.

Two more small things before I move on:

Frankenstein is not the monster, but he's also not a doctor. It is never implied that he is one and not once is he referred to as Dr. Frankenstein.

There is no Igor. No assistant at all, hunch-backed or otherwise.

After reading about Frankenstein and his need for revenge, and Frankenstein's monster and it's need for revenge - I was in a revenge sort of mood. So naturally the next book I choose to pick up is The Count of Monte Cristo.

Love this book. I read it back in high school and thoroughly enjoyed it. However, over the years I have forgotten much of what happens in it. I simply must read it again. Now this book is much longer and much more confusing. So many characters, so many interweaving relationships, so much revenge to be had! And all the names are French so it's difficult for me to keep track. Luckily I found this delightful chart to help me keep them all straight.

Now off I go on an epic journey of mystery, romance, betrayal, revenge (so much revenge), and yes, even some buried treasure!

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