Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Magnificent Movie Memories

As anyone who has grown up in the in the last century, movies have played significant part in my life.  To put it quite simply, I adore them. I love getting wrapped up the story that plays out on the screen. For two hours those character are real to me. Well, most of the time that is the case. There is always the danger when starting a movie that it will turn out to be terrible (The Simpsons Movie = two hours of my life that I’ll never get back). But the rewards are well worth the risk. When one finds a movie that captivates and enthralls, reality melts away and life is good.
Like most children of the nineties, movies by the Disney Company took up a substantial amount of my time as a child. Many of them still rank high in my list of favorite movies. The Lion King, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Little Mermaid, and Pocahontas are among my chief favorites. I remember spending hours watching them over and over. Then many more hours pretending to be the characters I saw on the screen.
There are just some movies that become so ingrained in one’s psyche that they become almost mythical. A legend. You cease thinking of it as just a movie. The film takes on new proportions and it seems wrong to put it in the same category as lesser examples. It is difficult to see the actors play any other character because in your mind they are that character. Any flaws it might have are overlooked. Nothing negative can be said about them.
When I think of movies that have reached legendary status I think of Star Wars, The Wizard of Oz, The Sound of Music, Indiana Jones and hundreds of others. The American Film Institute just loves making lists of them.
There thousands of lists out there naming the best movies in cinematic history. Each one is slightly different. Because there is no scientific formula to what makes a movie great.  What makes a movie brilliant to one person might be completely different from the reasons another person loves it. Because what makes a movie great is the personal experience you have with it. 

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