Monday, January 24, 2011

A Study in Jamie

Hello cyber world, my name is Jamie and this is my blog.
This first entry is to introduce myself, but where to begin? I am currently a sophomore at Dakota State University and I am an English for New Media major. What I am going to do with a degree in that, I have no idea. I have high hopes for something amazing to come out of it though.
I am from a small town in eastern South Dakota, so I obviously travel a great distance to be here at DSU. Though I once in lived in Nevada for three years. 
I love to travel. This past summer I saw the Atlantic Ocean for the first time when I went on a road trip with some friends to Charleston, SC. My goal in life is to travel the world.
I love to act. I was in DSU's fall production of "The Diviners." It was an amazing experience. I am also going to be in the spring production of "Anything Goes" though mine is a small part because I am not known for my singing talents. Just recently I traveled with several other theater folk to Ames, Iowa for the American College Theater Festival. It was a wonderful adventure. There were acting and tech workshops to go to and amazing plays to see. My favorite was a production of the Odyssey.  
I also love music. In high school I played the saxophone and clarinet in band and was first chair for both instruments. I also know how to play the flute and piano and I am learning the guitar and trumpet. Since DSU does not have an official band program, I make due with the pep band. Though I must admit it is great fun all the same.
I am an avid reader. I do have a favorite genre. I love historical fiction books that are also murder mysteries. Yes, it is a very specific genre to love, but one would be surprised how many books fit into that category. But I love all sorts of other books as well. I have quite the collection of books at my home. My room is dominated by the presence of literature. Almost every surface is overflowing with books.
Well, that's all I can think of for now. More to come in the future.

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