Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Comfy Sort of Celebration

a magical world full of bright colors, pie, and dead people
And here it is. A new year. How did I celebrate? I grabbed myself a glass of wine and watched my latest TV series obsession: Pushing Daises. The best/worst part about this show is that it only lasted two seasons and thus there are only 22 episodes. Best because it won't take long to get through the entire thing. Worst because I am absolutely in love with it and already wish there was more. Why do the best shows always get the ax early only to have a few years go by before people start to realize how amazing it was? This show, Firefly, Dead Like Me, etc, etc. I swear if Community becomes one of those shows I will- Well I won't actually do anything. But I will be really upset.

Anyway, the wine disappeared awhile ago and I decided to take a break from Pushing Daises. (since there are so few episodes, one must spread them out to make it last longer) So I pull out my giant book of Sherlock and read that for awhile. Then I filled my fancy wine glass (Marco is its name if you recall) with Sprite (because I'm classy like that) and am drinking it as I type this post at 2 in the morning on the first day of a fresh new year.

So this is how I ring in the new year. No parties. No real celebration. Just me, an overweight cat, a small glass of wine that turned into soda, and some Sherlock Holmes. And you know what? I don't mind it a bit. Don't get me wrong. I love going out and celebrating with my friends. But I'm just as comfortable staying at home by myself with a good book or a good movie. I am an introvert after all.

And this post seems to be rambling and going off in random directions. No real theme or structure to it. I wonder if that a sign of what my life will be like in the year ahead.

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