Tuesday, September 18, 2012

No Introspection Before 10 AM

I stayed up way too late last night. A common mistake with the usual consequences. Woke up with just a half hour to get ready for class. Thank the good lord I had the foresight to shower the night before. And so here I am in General Psychology on time. Actually I'm five minutes early. On my short walk here I had some time to think. It's something I usually do when walking. Only problem is sometimes I travel down roads I didn't mean to (both physical and metaphorical) when I let my mind wander.

The first thing I thought as I stepped out the door and into the brisk morning was,"Damn. Colder than anticipated." And so I cursed myself for not thinking to grab a jacket. Then I cursed the guy in the red van for not yielding to pedestrians. I rolled my eyes as I passed a parked car that had paint on its back window declaring, "LOVE YOU" with a little heart and all. How cynical am I? But I quickly rationalized this by thinking I'm not cynical, I'm just not into cliches like these.

And then in the space of a time in takes me to walk one block, I went through an lengthy inner monologue, criticizing myself for always rationalizing and then defending myself by reassuring myself that I am only human and then again I criticize myself for making excuses yet again. Look at where making excuses has gotten me. Look at where my life is. This is not where I want to be at this point in my life. (both physically and metaphorically) This line of thought continues on and on and goes way too deep for 7:30 am. And so, not three minutes later, I arrive at class in tiff. Because I am lacking sleep and because I've just had some personal revelations way too early in the morning that will probably prove useless by noon.

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