Monday, July 2, 2012


I've been thinking about superheroes. More specifically, what kind of superpowers I would like to have if I were to become a superhero. I've narrowed it down to two.
One option is telekinesis because A) I’m kinda lazy and B) that one scene in Matilda when she’s dancing around in the living room and making all the cards and poker chips fly around…I’ve always wanted to do that.
Otherwise I'd pick time control. But I wouldn't want to go back and change anything. I've read my Ray Bradbury. I ain't stepping on no butterfly and bringing back the dinosaurs. I would just want to go back and watch history happen. I’d probably start with ancient Greece. Because those guys kind of invented western civilization. It'd be kinda cool to see how they worked that out. But I wouldn't want my presence to change history. I’d still like to interact with the world and ask people questions. How cool would it be to have dinner with Mark Twain or Leonardo da Vinci? Of course then I'd need to learn Italian... Maybe I should just get a TARDIS. Problem solved.
Oh! I'd also like to freeze time and maybe mess with people a little. Stop everything and move some things around. Of course I wouldn't be too villainous. I would use my powers for good and only minimal personal gain.
I don't think I'd want to be able to travel into the future though. Obviously it would be the most profitable part of time travel. You just pop forward a bit, see the winning lotto numbers and bam! Pay dirt. But if I were to foresee a tragedy I would feel compelled to stop it. And I feel like that would messing with fate a bit too much.
What then would my superhero name be? Well that would depend on what power I had. That's how most of them get their names anyway. Like The Green Lantern has his green lantern. And Iron Man has his iron suit. Batman has his whole bat thing. And Spider-Man, and so on and so forth.
Then what about Superman? Eh. I feel like naming him Superman was kind lazy, you know? But he was one of the first superheroes so I guess that’s okay then. Mr. Fantastic, however, has no excuse. But then again, what would you name a superhero with elastic limbs and not have it sound completely lame? Or sexual? You could call him Rubber Man. That’d be kinky.
But just consider the X-Men. Wolverine. He looks like a wolverine with his claws and his funky hairdo. Storm with her whole weather thing. Cyclops with his special eyes. Magneto, Beast, Iceman. They make sense. The only one I never understood was Rogue. But again, what would you name someone with the power to drain others of their powers? Drain-o Girl? I bet you’d love to have her clean your pipes.

Keep in mind, dear reader, that I’m just going off the movies. I adore superhero movies. I never got into the actual comic books. How could I? It wasn’t like there were any local comic book stores I could just walk to on a Saturday afternoon. So where I would I get them? I did watch some of the cartoons. I remember watching Batman, Spider-Man and the X-Men when I was a kid. Grew out of that pretty quickly though. But this trend of over-the-top superhero movies? I love it. I'm just dying to see The Avengers and I cannot wait for The Dark Knight Rises. The latest Spider-Man reboot, however, I can take or leave. The trailers don't look too promising to me. So I'll most likely leave it.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Nine Things About Jamie

No essential information. Just random facts. About me. Enjoy.

I like to use the word delicious and apply it to things that are not food. Like books or movies. Such as, The Gargoyle is a delicious book. Or Sherlock Holmes is delicious movie, for several reasons.

On a normal day, it takes at least three alarms to wake me up in the morning. Sometimes more. Usually more. I’m not really one for rising and shining. It’s not my thing.

I am a huge fan of new jack swing. I have always loved it and I probably always will, even though that genre of music is no longer in vogue. (and if you get that pun, you’re my hero)

I like the word ‘druthers.’ Don’t know why. I just do. It’s not my favorite word, but I do enjoy it when people use it everyday conversations and I wish people did so more often. I especially enjoy it when people use it correctly.

I am a bit of a grammar freak. I wouldn’t say I’m up to the level of a grammar-nazi, but I do greatly enjoy it when people use their/there and your/you’re correctly in written forms communication. It turns me on. A misplaced comma or a run on sentence or two don’t bother me. It’s the simple things that get me. Like if people use seen/saw incorrectly, it physically hurts me to hear it. I don’t usually correct people when speaking to them. I just wince and cry a little on the inside.

When I’m cleaning, I listen to Giants of the Big Band Era. Les Brown, Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey. These are my guys. They help me focus. I can sway as I dust and polish.

I am not afraid of spiders. I’m not particularly fond of them. But if I see one, even a big fat hairy one, I’m like BAM! Squished, dead. Not with my bare hand though. That’d be gross. But I am terrified of centipedes. Anything with more than eight legs freaks me right out. Even thinking about those little bastards makes my skin crawl.

My favorite actress, well one of my favorite actress, of the Golden Era of Hollywood is Ida Lupino. She was just amazing. Stunning, brilliant, talented, beautiful, awesome. And while she was quite famous in her time, her name has not stood the test of time like some of her contemporaries. This is unfortunate because she was amazing, in case I hadn't already mentioned that. And, quick history lesson, she was one of the first female directors in Hollywood and the first woman to direct a film noir. So she was kind of badass.

I still remember the first music video I ever saw. I would’ve been about six or seven years old. I walked into the family room to find my older sister was watching VH1, a channel I was not allowed to watch at that age. But I sat down and watched anyway. Torn by Natalie Imbruglia was playing. And this was my introduction to music television. As a bonus, the second music video I ever saw was Truly, Madly, Deeply by Savage Garden.